
blogger ratat

missed my blog.. i never intended to keep one alive, but after such a long pause, i feel like writing some new posts.. expressing some new thoughts.. sharing some new pics, songs, videos..

i think i’ll give it another try.. who knows.. may be this time it’ll be different..


dark enough

and then you start thinking.. why would i swim ?

all i need..

the truth..

i give in..

don’t ask stupid questions.. don’t give me choice.. don’t you dare doubt my feelings..

i can change.. i am changing.. i can’t believe it myself, but it’s the truth.. and the most unbelievable thing is that i start liking the change.. even if i already lost a part of what used to be me.. and other parts are awaiting to leave me as well..

it’s always time.. just give me time..

my wonderwall..


când e noapte
şi totuşi întunericul îţi arde retina
mai ai nimic de spus
şi totuşi te vorbeşti
când mai ai nimic de gândit
şi tu rămâi doar o idee
mai ai nicăieri să te duci
şi totuşi pleci
când nu eşti singur
pentru că nici singurătatea nu te vrea
moartea nu doare
şi asta poate să te bucure

când te-ai părăsi
dar n-ai cui..